It is a very interesting world where they discussed social scandal among celebrities who will leave us very surprised. Here we can try and exchange views, beyond that our team in different parts of the world are responsible for curiosities, and follow the life of an anonymous person. With all of you Tommy, Tommy Ojibwa Kerry.

lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

Emma violatson

16 year-old actress Emma Watson, who embodies Hermione Granger, Harry Potter's friend in the saga of the apprentice magician, has been pursued by a harasser and from now on will have a bodyguard for their protection, the press reported today UK. The police located a man in his 25 years bet ... ... at the school you are going to London and called Watson "clearly" to stay away from the young actress, reported Saturday that the tabloid The Sun. " According to reports, the man took several public events that made the school closer to Watson and presented as a "great admirer" of the couple. The man allegedly tried to talk with Watson about the film "Harry Potter" and later the attempted rape, but his bodyguards stopped him.

La actriz de 16 años Emma Watson, que encarna a Hermione Granger, la amiga de Harry Potter en la saga sobre el aprendiz de mago, ha sido perseguida por un acosador y a partir de ahora contará con un guardaespaldas para su protección, informa hoy la prensa británica. La policía localizó a un hombre de unos 25 años apostado...
...en el recinto de la escuela londinense a la que va Watson y le instó "claramente" a mantenerse alejado de la joven actriz, informa este sábado el tabloide "The Sun". De acuerdo con los reportes, el hombre aprovechó varios actos públicos que realizó la escuela para acercarse a Watson y presentarse como un "gran admirador" de la joven. El hombre presuntamente trató de hablar con Watson sobre las películas de "Harry Potter", Más tarde la intento violar, pero sus guardaespaldas le pararon.

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