It is a very interesting world where they discussed social scandal among celebrities who will leave us very surprised. Here we can try and exchange views, beyond that our team in different parts of the world are responsible for curiosities, and follow the life of an anonymous person. With all of you Tommy, Tommy Ojibwa Kerry.

martes, 30 de junio de 2009

Goodbye Hormiguero

Ayer termino la tercera temporada del reality show más famoso en españa , "El hormiguero" de la cadena cuatro. Esta temporada nos han traido como innovacion famosos de Hollywood , Los angeles, Inglaterra, Nueva York ... De gran Prestigio como Matt Dalas, Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers ,Laura Pausini,La Roca Dwaine ...Es el progama que mas dinero dispone de la televisión en españa ya que su audiencia solo crece y empieza a hacer frente con la televisión nacional.

Ademas este canal ofrece series de éxito como Kile xy, Anatomía de Grey, Saturday nigh live ...
además de los reality shows mas espectaculares como Fama, Pekin Expres, Grangero busca esposa...

Bueno ya veremos que nos traera de nuevo en la cuarta temporada.

Yesterday ended the third season of the reality show's most famous in Spain, "El Hormiguero" of the cuatro string. This season we have brought innovation and famous in Hollywood, Los Angeles, England, New York ... Of great prestige as Matt Dalas, Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Laura Pausini, La Roca Dwaine ... is the program that provides more money on television in Spain since their audience is growing and just beginning to deal with national television.

In addition, this channel offers a series of successful Kile xy, Gray's Anatomy,Sturday nigh live ...
addition of more reality shows like Fame spectacular, Beijing Express, Grangero looking wife ...

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^Write here By Miley And Bill^