It is a very interesting world where they discussed social scandal among celebrities who will leave us very surprised. Here we can try and exchange views, beyond that our team in different parts of the world are responsible for curiosities, and follow the life of an anonymous person. With all of you Tommy, Tommy Ojibwa Kerry.

sábado, 27 de junio de 2009


Occurred in Hollywood, when he walk a famous director he looked. He loves Cloro and making a famous film with Bradd Pitt . After he makes a famous serie with a famous stars than Pancho a spanish celebrity.

Cloro wins a lot of awards .

Ocurrió en Hollywood, cuando un famoso director de a pie, ha mirado a Cloro y hace una película famosa con Bradd Pitt. Después de que él hace un una serie con estrellas más famosoas Pancho español una celebridad.

Cloro gana un montón de premios.

1 comentario:

  1. pesaooo!! aQii tiienes un comentariio mio, Qe x ciierto iio tb tengo algo de sto con alguien pro no se na asiQe como sii no lo tuviera xDD es de sandra ii tuyo??



^Write here By Miley And Bill^