It is a very interesting world where they discussed social scandal among celebrities who will leave us very surprised. Here we can try and exchange views, beyond that our team in different parts of the world are responsible for curiosities, and follow the life of an anonymous person. With all of you Tommy, Tommy Ojibwa Kerry.

lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

TAN TAN TACHAN (suenan las campanas...)

tan,tan,tachan. tan tan tachan... suenan las campanas en el 2009 con una boda: Rachel Bilson y Hayden Christensen se casan!!

Al parecer, se comprometieron en un viaje a Canadá y, aunque no se sabe cuando ni donde, la pareja afirma que será en 2009.
tan, tan, tachan. tan, tan, tachan... ring the wells in the 2009 with a wedding: Rachel Bilson and Hayden Christensen going to marry!!
Apparently, they have commited in a trip to Canada and, although we don't know when and where is the wedding, the pair says that the wedding will be in 2009.

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^Write here By Miley And Bill^